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BERNSTEIN, Edgar. My Judaism, my Jews. Johannesburg, Exclusive Books, 1962.


CARMILLY-WEINBERGER,  Moshe. A zsidóság története Erdélyben 1623-1944. MTA Judaisztikai Kutatócsoport, Budapest, 1995, 257-258.


JEPPE, Harold. South African Artists, 1900-1962.  Afrikaanse  Pers Boekhandel Johannesburg, 1963.


BROWN, James Ambrose. Suid-Afrikaanse Kuns. Cape Town,  MacDonald Erfnis Bibliotheek, 1978.


FELDBERG, Leon. The South African Jewish Year Book 1959-60.  Johannesburg,  Fieldhill Publishing House [1961].


FELDBERG, Leon. The South African Jewish Year Book 1960-61. Johannesburg, Fieldhill Publishing House, [1962].


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The Jewish Face of Cluj-Kolozsvár. []


FROTTIER, Elisabeth and JÜNGER, Andrea. Kunst: Anspruch und Gegenstand. Von der Kunstgewerbeschule zur Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Wien 1918-1991. Biographien der Professoren (Meisterklassenleiter; Lehrkanzel- und Institutsvorstände) seit 1918. Vienna, Residenz Verlag, 1991.


OGILVIE, Grania. The Dictionary of South African Painters and Sculptors. Johannesburg, Everard Read, 1988.



FELD, Leon (comp). South African Jewry.   A Survey of the Jewish Community; its Contributions to South Africa: Directory of Communal Institutions; a Who’s Who of Leading Personalities, collated by Leon Feld. Johannesburg,  Feldlife, 1965, p.409 and 435.


MARTIENSSEN, Heather (introd.) Twentieth Century South African Art.  Cape Town, Human & Rousseau 1966.





ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. The  S.A. Theatre, Music and Dance.  October edition. 1939.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald Exhibition of drawings.  The Daily Dispatch. East London. 26. 1. 1940.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. The Forward, 28 June, 1946.



ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald.  Zionist Record 6 April 1951.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. Jewish Guild Annual.   October 1951.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. [The Bible in Sculpture Exhibition] The Zionist Record. Friday, 3 April 1959. Reproduction of “Jacob’s Ladder”.


ANONYMOUS. S.A . Panorama. March 1963: 36.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. South African Digest. 7.3.1963.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. South African Panorama 8. 12. 1968.


ANONYMOUS.  Herman Wald. South African Digest. 27.8.1971:11.


ANONYMOUS.  Herman Wald. S.A. Jewish Times 14. 3. 1975.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald. S.A. Jewish Times 17.4.1979


ANONYMOUS.  Herman Wald. The Jewish Herald.  7 Sept 1982. Rosh Hashana Supplement.


ANONYMOUS. Herman Wald . The Jewish Herald.    July 1985.


ANONYMOUS. Tribute to Herman Wald at the Monument to the Six Million. The Jewish Herald.  16 January 1988.


BEN YOSEF. Ute. Herman Wald – his life and Work. Jewish Affairs 67 (1) 2012:  24.


BERNSTEIN, Edgar. The art of Herman Wald. Jewish Guild New Year Annual, October 1951.


BERNSTEIN, Edgar. A sculptor interprets the Bible. S.A. Jewish Times, 17. 4. 1959.


BERNSTEIN, Edgar.  Herman Wald: Obituary. S.A. Jewish Times, Friday 17 July 1970.


BERNSTEIN, Edgar. Our debt to Herman Wald. Inspiring legacy of a great artist S.A. Jewish Times. 17. 7. 1970.


‘C.L.’.  Herman Wald:  a tribute. Jewish Affairs.  July 1970: 39.


DOREM AFRIKE. April 1959 16ter Yahrtag fun Warschauer Getto Oifstand. Photo of  the   Monument to the Six Million by Herman Wald.


FRAM, David. Herman Wald. Artlook.  22 March 1969.


KNIGHT, Natalie. Wolkekrabbers kan nie bid nie: ‘n waardering van Wald se werk. Buurman 1, 1970:  45-46.


KNIGHT, Natalie. Jewish Law and aspects of the work of Herman Wald. Jewish Affairs 6 (1), 2012: 28.

KRIEL, J.J. Herman Wald shuns the Limelight. The Women’s Auxiliary. Sept. 1946:84.


SACHS, Joseph. Herman Wald. South African Jewish Artists – No 6. Jewish Affairs, 2 (4) April 1947: 22-25.


SACHS, Joseph. Sculpture and Painting. Herman Wald: Sculptor. Jewish Affairs, April 1954:  46-47.


SACKS, Bernard. Herman Wald, a personal tribute. Zionist Record  and SA Jewish Chronicle, Friday,  17 July 1970.


SACKS, Eddy. Rabbi’s son who became a top South African artist. Herman Wald’s rise to fame. S.A. Jewish Times. Homes and Gardens Supplement. 19.12.1969.


WALD, Herman.   Reproduction of  “Chalutz bearing a sheaf of Corn S.A. Jewish Times, 5. 3. 1954


S.A.U.K. – S.A.B.C. Bulletin. 12.7.1971.


SOWDEN, Dora. Herman Wald.  Extract from the Catalogue of The New Gallery, 63 West 44th Street, New York. Jewish Affairs 7 (11), 1952: 45-47. 


SOWDEN, Dora.  Herman Wald  and Tibor Weisz. Sculpture and painting: two interesting exhibitions in Johannesburg. Jewish Affairs 9 (4) 1954: 46-48.


‘VIDA’. The Human Angle. South African Jewish Times, 11 July 1947: 15.

 © Kaplan Centre

Images reproduced by kind permission of Louis Wald

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